Frequently asked questions
Get answer to all your top queries!
Although many companies are hiring, we only show you openings that are relevant to your profile. Recruiters put a lot of detailed criteria for what they need for each role, and we match based on that criteria to ensure that neither you nor the recruiter has to waste time needlessly and can instead focus on the relevant matches.

Note that if you've already gotten a new job or would like to pause your job search, you can instead do the following as well:
Open your profile page
Edit "Job Preferences" and in "Select your job search status" select "Not looking"
Edit "Privacy Settings" and select "Only companies I apply to can see my profile"
Once you do that above, you won't receive any emails from us, and recruiters won't be able to view your profile. This way you can snooze your profile without having to delete and recreate it in the future
If you'd still like to delete your profile, Click the "Contact Us" link on the bottom of the page, and let us know that you'd like to delete your profile. We will process it the same day and send you a confirmation email.
We would really appreciate it if you could let us know the reason for deactivation - just reply with the number from the below list.
Receiving too many phone calls
Receiving too many emails
Not seeing relevant or interesting jobs
No longer residing in India
Already got a job
In case, you don’t want to receive any more emails, you can unsubscribe to the email anytime you can click ‘Unsubscribe’ from the bottom of the mail.
Or go to your profile and edit ‘Job Preferences’ and in ‘Select your job search status’, select ‘Not looking’. You won’t receive any mail after that.
Sorry about that. This is probably since your Instahyre profile may not be updated. Just click here to visit your Instahyre profile and update your preferences, and show you relevant opportunities accordingly.
While updating your information. in case the options we show for your current role are not relevant, then it means we are not catering to that role currently.
In order to see if your profile has been shortlisted, you can go to the ‘Activity’ tab in your profile and in ‘Filter by Status’ select ‘Shortlisted’. It will show you the list of all the companies that have ‘Shortlisted’ your profile for their job post.
The company contacted me but hasn’t interviewed me yet, how can I check the status?
You can go to ‘Activity' and filter by status and check if the company has marked you as ‘Not Shortlisted’.
Although many companies are hiring, we only show you openings that are relevant to your profile. Recruiters put a lot of detailed criteria for what they need for each role, and we match based on that criteria to ensure that neither you nor the recruiter has to waste time needlessly and can instead focus on the relevant matches.
Currently, we won’t be able to comment on why a specific job doesn’t match as it contains confidential information added by the recruiter. However, we are working on a feature that will allow you to apply for more jobs and provide you insights into each job and candidates who are applying for it.
In the meantime, we’ll email you for sure whenever more openings are added by companies that match your profile. Sorry for the inconvenience!
We don’t show the exact salary offered by the company. But rest assured if our InstaMatch algorithm has shown you the job post or shown your profile to the recruiter it means that their offer matches your expectation.
If your profile is marked as Premium you will be shown at the top of the list and you will have a 70% higher response compared to the non-premium profiles.
To reactivate your account you can go to your profile and under ‘Job Preferences’ switch your profile to ‘Actively looking’. And your account will be reactivated in no time.
While registering you will receive the option of selecting the job role you would prefer. You can specify it there and the jobs that match your selected role will only be shown to you.
We are currently only catering to the roles you can select on the platform. I will forward your request to the team so we can consider adding it for the future.
To update your resume, you can go to the ‘Profile’ section and click ‘Edit’ in the ‘Resume’ section.
Or you can simply click on the repeat icon shown next to your resume title and upload a new file.
We don’t have any access to your LinkedIn account, of course. The only way anything can be shared from your Instahyre account to LinkedIn is if you specifically click “Share on LinkedIn” yourself and then authorize LinkedIn to post an update through Instahyre. This link is only shown to you to promote your profile as a premium to recruiters and is completely optional.
The only way the share could have happened is if you clicked on the above feature, or if someone else has access to both your Instahyre and LinkedIn accounts and clicked it.
You may delete the post from your LinkedIn account as per their instructions here. Thanks for your understanding.
When you apply to a company, the application is sent automatically by the system, so it cannot be withdrawn. In case of the recruiter contacts you, then you can inform them accordingly.
To stop getting emails and recommendations, go to your ‘Profile’ and edit your ‘Job Preferences’. Make your ‘Job search status’ as not looking and save the changes. Once you have done so you won’t receive any mail or recommendations regarding a job.

We don't have a large bug bounty program since we're a startup, but have previously offered the following and will continue to do so:
For major security flaws that directly allow users to access large amounts of unauthorized data: Rs. 7,500 - Rs. 15,000.
For minor security flaws that directly allow users to access small amounts of unauthorized data: Rs. 2,500 - Rs. 7,500.
For security flaws that don't allow direct access to unauthorized data, or actions that reliably result in a server error (500) or serious performance (latency) issues: T-shirt or up to Rs. 2,500.
Since the program is small it's not worth trying to find issues, but if you come across something significant, nothing to lose.
Note that the classification is solely at our discretion.
I’m having problems while uploading my profile picture. How do I add?
If you are using an Android phone, please note that you may need to set the default application in your settings for opening doc/pdf files. This is an issue in some Android versions.
Otherwise, you can use a computer and it will work. If you are getting the error on a laptop or desktop, please share the screenshot with us by clicking on ‘Contact Us’ and sharing the details of the problem.
Your account could have been deleted due to any one of the following reasons:
You had requested for your account to be deleted.
You have duplicate accounts on Instahyre.
Your account violates our Terms of Service in any way, such as misrepresenting your resume or information.
You may register for a new account at any time. Note that currently, you cannot use the same email address to create another account. However, just add a dot in your email and it will work fine. For example, if your email address is just register with and everything will work.
During the registration process, you will be asked to specify the locations you are looking forward to work in, you can select the location there.
Or in case you want to change it after the registration process you can go to your ‘Profile’ tab and under ‘Job Preferences’ you can edit the information.
Yes, there is. Please follow the following steps-
On Windows or Linux: Click Ctrl, keep it pressed and click F5 as well.
On Mac: Click Cmd, keep it pressed and also click Shift and R.
Recruiters put a lot of detailed criteria for what they need for each role, and we match based on that criteria to ensure that neither you nor the recruiter has to waste time needlessly and can instead focus on the relevant matches.
The low Instamatch score means your profile partially matches the recruiter's criteria. We won’t be able to comment on what specific skills don't match as the criteria entered by recruiters are confidential to them.
The Instamatch score is there for your information. You can still apply for the job, and in case the recruiter finds you to be a good fit, they will reach out.
Well, getting hired can take some time at times but there are definitely some practices that you can follow to get noticed and get hired.
Keep updating your profile frequently to make sure all the necessary details are shared. Never manipulate your resume.
Revert to recruiters mail as soon as possible.
Check opportunities and job posts frequently to be among the first candidates to apply.
Be prompt at scheduling interviews and calls.
Apply only for the jobs that are relevant. Don’t go applying for every single job opening.\
Get answer to all your top queries!
I’m only looking for a certain kind of companies. How can I choose?
Although many companies are hiring, we only show you openings that are relevant to your profile. Recruiters put a lot of detailed criteria for what they need for each role, and we match based on that criteria to ensure that neither you nor the recruiter has to waste time needlessly and can instead focus on the relevant matches.

How do I delete my account?
Note that if you've already gotten a new job or would like to pause your job search, you can instead do the following as well:
Open your profile page
Edit "Job Preferences" and in "Select your job search status" select "Not looking"
Edit "Privacy Settings" and select "Only companies I apply to can see my profile"
Once you do that above, you won't receive any emails from us, and recruiters won't be able to view your profile. This way you can snooze your profile without having to delete and recreate it in the future
If you'd still like to delete your profile, Click the "Contact Us" link on the bottom of the page, and let us know that you'd like to delete your profile. We will process it the same day and send you a confirmation email.
We would really appreciate it if you could let us know the reason for deactivation - just reply with the number from the below list.
Receiving too many phone calls
Receiving too many emails
Not seeing relevant or interesting jobs
No longer residing in India
Already got a job
I don’t want to receive any more emails?
In case, you don’t want to receive any more emails, you can unsubscribe to the email anytime you can click ‘Unsubscribe’ from the bottom of the mail.
Or go to your profile and edit ‘Job Preferences’ and in ‘Select your job search status’, select ‘Not looking’. You won’t receive any mail after that.
This job is not relevant/ did you check my profile before sending me this job?
Sorry about that. This is probably since your Instahyre profile may not be updated. Just click here to visit your Instahyre profile and update your preferences, and show you relevant opportunities accordingly.
While updating your information. in case the options we show for your current role are not relevant, then it means we are not catering to that role currently.
Can you tell me if my profile is shortlisted?
In order to see if your profile has been shortlisted, you can go to the ‘Activity’ tab in your profile and in ‘Filter by Status’ select ‘Shortlisted’. It will show you the list of all the companies that have ‘Shortlisted’ your profile for their job post.
The company contacted me but hasn’t interviewed me yet, how can I check the status?
You can go to ‘Activity' and filter by status and check if the company has marked you as ‘Not Shortlisted’.
I can’t apply for a job, why so?
Although many companies are hiring, we only show you openings that are relevant to your profile. Recruiters put a lot of detailed criteria for what they need for each role, and we match based on that criteria to ensure that neither you nor the recruiter has to waste time needlessly and can instead focus on the relevant matches.
Currently, we won’t be able to comment on why a specific job doesn’t match as it contains confidential information added by the recruiter. However, we are working on a feature that will allow you to apply for more jobs and provide you insights into each job and candidates who are applying for it.
In the meantime, we’ll email you for sure whenever more openings are added by companies that match your profile. Sorry for the inconvenience!
How do I get to know the salary they can offer?
We don’t show the exact salary offered by the company. But rest assured if our InstaMatch algorithm has shown you the job post or shown your profile to the recruiter it means that their offer matches your expectation.
What are the premium services offered?
If your profile is marked as Premium you will be shown at the top of the list and you will have a 70% higher response compared to the non-premium profiles.
How can I reactivate my account?
To reactivate your account you can go to your profile and under ‘Job Preferences’ switch your profile to ‘Actively looking’. And your account will be reactivated in no time.
I am looking for a change in role. How can I look for jobs according to that?
While registering you will receive the option of selecting the job role you would prefer. You can specify it there and the jobs that match your selected role will only be shown to you.
My role is not listed on your site. What should I select?
We are currently only catering to the roles you can select on the platform. I will forward your request to the team so we can consider adding it for the future.
How can I update my resume?
To update your resume, you can go to the ‘Profile’ section and click ‘Edit’ in the ‘Resume’ section.
Or you can simply click on the repeat icon shown next to your resume title and upload a new file.
Why have you shared on my LinkedIn account?
We don’t have any access to your LinkedIn account, of course. The only way anything can be shared from your Instahyre account to LinkedIn is if you specifically click “Share on LinkedIn” yourself and then authorize LinkedIn to post an update through Instahyre. This link is only shown to you to promote your profile as a premium to recruiters and is completely optional.
The only way the share could have happened is if you clicked on the above feature, or if someone else has access to both your Instahyre and LinkedIn accounts and clicked it.
You may delete the post from your LinkedIn account as per their instructions here. Thanks for your understanding.
How can I withdraw my application?
When you apply to a company, the application is sent automatically by the system, so it cannot be withdrawn. In case of the recruiter contacts you, then you can inform them accordingly.
I’m no longer looking for a job. How do I stop getting emails and recommendations?
To stop getting emails and recommendations, go to your ‘Profile’ and edit your ‘Job Preferences’. Make your ‘Job search status’ as not looking and save the changes. Once you have done so you won’t receive any mail or recommendations regarding a job.

Do you have a bug bounty program?
We don't have a large bug bounty program since we're a startup, but have previously offered the following and will continue to do so:
For major security flaws that directly allow users to access large amounts of unauthorized data: Rs. 7,500 - Rs. 15,000.
For minor security flaws that directly allow users to access small amounts of unauthorized data: Rs. 2,500 - Rs. 7,500.
For security flaws that don't allow direct access to unauthorized data, or actions that reliably result in a server error (500) or serious performance (latency) issues: T-shirt or up to Rs. 2,500.
Since the program is small it's not worth trying to find issues, but if you come across something significant, nothing to lose.
Note that the classification is solely at our discretion.
I’m having problems while uploading my profile picture. How do I add?
If you are using an Android phone, please note that you may need to set the default application in your settings for opening doc/pdf files. This is an issue in some Android versions.
Otherwise, you can use a computer and it will work. If you are getting the error on a laptop or desktop, please share the screenshot with us by clicking on ‘Contact Us’ and sharing the details of the problem.
Why has my account been deleted?
Your account could have been deleted due to any one of the following reasons:
You had requested for your account to be deleted.
You have duplicate accounts on Instahyre.
Your account violates our Terms of Service in any way, such as misrepresenting your resume or information.
You may register for a new account at any time. Note that currently, you cannot use the same email address to create another account. However, just add a dot in your email and it will work fine. For example, if your email address is just register with and everything will work.
How do I look for jobs for a specific location?
During the registration process, you will be asked to specify the locations you are looking forward to work in, you can select the location there.
Or in case you want to change it after the registration process you can go to your ‘Profile’ tab and under ‘Job Preferences’ you can edit the information.
Is there an option to hard refresh to fix various bugs?
Yes, there is. Please follow the following steps-
On Windows or Linux: Click Ctrl, keep it pressed and click F5 as well.
On Mac: Click Cmd, keep it pressed and also click Shift and R.
Why is my InstaMatch score low?
Recruiters put a lot of detailed criteria for what they need for each role, and we match based on that criteria to ensure that neither you nor the recruiter has to waste time needlessly and can instead focus on the relevant matches.
The low Instamatch score means your profile partially matches the recruiter's criteria. We won’t be able to comment on what specific skills don't match as the criteria entered by recruiters are confidential to them.
The Instamatch score is there for your information. You can still apply for the job, and in case the recruiter finds you to be a good fit, they will reach out.
What can I do to get hired fast?
Well, getting hired can take some time at times but there are definitely some practices that you can follow to get noticed and get hired.
Keep updating your profile frequently to make sure all the necessary details are shared. Never manipulate your resume.
Revert to recruiters mail as soon as possible.
Check opportunities and job posts frequently to be among the first candidates to apply.
Be prompt at scheduling interviews and calls.
Apply only for the jobs that are relevant. Don’t go applying for every single job opening.\
Updated on: 08/04/2022
Thank you!