How to use candidate filters
Filtering candidates
Filter within the suggested candidates with respect to location, salary, notice period, top institutes etc.
Q. How do I view the candidates who have applied?
If you want to view the candidates who have applied for a particular job you can go to the "Candidates" page and on the left side in "Filter Results" you will have "Display options". You can select "show only applications" and filter results.

Q. How do I hide candidates viewed by me?
To hide candidates viewed by you go to the "Candidates" tab. Go to the "Filter Results" and select "hide candidates viewed by me" in the "Display options". Don’t forget to click on "filter results" to get the curated list that doesn’t include previously viewed candidates.

Q. Can I filter candidates based on their experience, salary, or location?
Yes, yes, and yes. You can filter candidates based on their experience, salary, or location, or if need be all three. All you have to do is go to "Filter Results" and choose among the filters and click on "Filter results".

Q. Can I view candidates from top institutes only?
In case, you didn’t choose top institutes as a filter while posting the job, worry not, you can filter it out in the candidates" list by going to "Filter Results" and select the option "Only from top institutes" and click on "Filter results".

Q. My client wants to hire for diversity only for a job. How do I filter?
We understand that diversity at the workplace has become an important aspect of recruiting. And to filter the candidates you can select "Females only" in "Filter Results" and just "Filter results".

Q. Can I filter candidates based on the industries?
If you want to filter candidates based on the industries like IT/ Software, you can do that by going to "Filter Results" and select the industries from the drop-down menu "Industries worked in" and filter results.

Q. My client wants candidates who can join immediately. How can I filter on that basis?
In case you want candidates who can join immediately you can filter applications based on "Notice Period" from the "Filter Results". You can choose from immediately up to three months.

Q. Can I filter based on the skills mentioned in the resume?
Yes, you can. Filtering candidates list based on skills mentioned in the resume is pretty easy. Go to the "Find in resume" and add the skills you want our algorithm to match with the candidate resume.
If the skills you have mentioned are all mandatory select “Match all” or “Match any” if any of the skills would work.

Q. I see candidates in the "Passive Candidates" section but can’t access them. What do I do?
If you are not able to access "Passive Candidates" chances are you are either part of the Freemium plan or Premium 100. In order to access the information of passive candidates, you have to be a part of the "Database Subscription" Plan. So, you have to upgrade your plan. You can click here to know more about "Database Subscription".

Updated on: 10/08/2022
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