Custom Interview Stages
Custom Interview Stages
Customize the entire Interviewing workflow with Custom Interview Stages
With our Custom Interview Stages feature, you can take your interview workflow to the next level. This powerful tool streamlines your interview process, allowing you to create custom interview stages for each job you're hiring for. Say goodbye to the hassle of managing multiple candidate lists in Excel or other documents. This intuitive feature lets you easily optimize your interview process and focus on finding the perfect candidate.
Q. How do I access Custom Interview Stages?
Go to the Candidates page.
Select any job.
Now scroll down to your candidate pipeline's "Interviewing" section.
Click on "Edit Interview Stages."

You can now name each stage based on your recruiting guidelines. For example, it could be an Initial phone interview, Assignment round, HR round, Final round, etc.

Q. What are Automated Actions?
Whenever you click "Add another stage" or edit an interview stage, you will see an option for "Automated Actions." There are three different Automated Actions that you can activate for any stage. Let's look at them one by one:
Action 1 : Require evaluation for assessment round within this stage
If you activate this action, an email will be sent to the interviewer for candidate's evaluation. Automatic reminders will be sent daily until the evaluation is done.

Action 2 : Send Inactivity alert to stage owner
This action sends an alert to the stage owner if the candidate has not been moved to the next stage after a stipulated number of days of entering the stage. You can set your desired number by your own in the empty box.

Action 3 : Notify a team member when a candidate is moved to this stage
If you activate this action, it means whenever you move a candidate to this stage, an email will be sent to the specified team member, notifying them about this change.
Select the template from the dropdown menu or type the email body text.
Now, select the team member who needs to be notified about the same and click on save.

Action 4 : Send an email to a candidate when they are moved to this stage
If you activate this action, an email will be sent to them automatically whenever a candidate is moved to this stage. You can select/edit the email template you wish to send in advance.
Select the template you want to use for this action from the drop-down menu, or type the email body text and click on save.

The email can be sent from the team member who moves the candidate to this stage instead of a fixed team member. This allows multiple recruiters who are collaborating for the job to engage with the candidate.

Q. Can I activate multiple Automated Actions for each stage?
Yes, you can add multiple or single actions for each stage.

You can also customize the email template for each interview stage.
Q. How many custom interview stages can I add?
You can add as many custom stages as you want. Just click the "Add another stage" button.
Q. Can I edit an interview stage I created previously?
Yes, if you wish to edit a custom stage you can click on the "Edit" icon and make the changes you want.

Q. Can I rearrange/reorder custom interview stages?
Yes, you can drag them from the left corner to rearrange them.

Q. How do I move candidates to different custom stages?
Once you have defined all your custom interview stages, they will appear on the left panel where active/passive and other stages are already present by default. Now it's time to move candidates to these stages.
Go to the candidate page. Select active, passive, and low matching applications, save for review, reach out in conversation, or go to any other stage of your choice.

Now go to any candidate card and hover on "Save for review" or whichever stage the candidate is on.
From the drop-down, you will be prompted to select the next stage, but you can also select any other stage.

Q. How to move candidates in bulk to custom interview stages?
You can take bulk action and move candidates in bulk to a different custom interview stage.
Go to the candidate page and select any stage (Not applicable for Active/Passive/Low matching stage as they are the initial sourcing stages).
Once you are on Save for review stage or any other stage below it, select all the candidates through "Select all" or use a checkbox to move them to interview stages in bulk.

Updated on: 02/01/2024
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