Articles on: Inbox: Direct Employers

Getting started with Instahyre Inbox

Getting started with Instahyre Inbox

Manage and organize all your conversations with candidates

Instahyre Inbox makes it easier for you to communicate with candidates and manage your conversations with them. Inbox offers a suite of features like personalised communication, real-time alerts, highly engaging reminder emails, interview scheduling, and more. With Inbox, you can reduce your time to hire and improve candidate hiring experience significantly!

Q. How can I access my Inbox?

If you wish to access your Inbox, click "Inbox" from the top menu.

The red notification pop-up informs you about the number of unread messages received from the candidates. It's highly recommended for you to check all unread messages regularly.

Once you are on the Inbox page, on the left-hand side you'll be able to list of conversations, and in the main section, you'll be able to candidate details. Right below candidate details, you will be able to create and send personalised emails to them.

Q. Where can I see the list of all emails with candidates?

On the left panel, you will be able to see a list of all conversations. Once you send an email to candidates through the Candidates page or through Inbox those conversations get stacked over here and you can view or reply to them.

Alternatively, You can also read emails through the "Candidates" page

Click on the "In conversation" stage for a specific job. Now you'll see a list of all candidates you are in conversation with.

Click on "View resume" next to the candidate whose emails you wish to read.

Now click on the "Emails" tab to view and respond to conversations.

Q. Can I segregate conversations based on job postings?

Yes, you can also segregate your conversations on the basis of jobs you have posted on the platform. Click on "Active jobs" or "Inactive jobs" and select the job for which you wish to see the candidate conversations.

Q. How do I check "unread" messages?

You can prioritize your conversations on the basis of "Unread" messages. Click on "Unread" and you'll be able to see all the messages which you have not reviewed yet. You can also star mark important conversation and find those later.

Q. How can I mark an "Unread" conversation as "Read"?

All the conversations that are bold and marked green have not been read by you. In case you want to mark a conversation "Read" then click on the green button and vice versa to mark them "Unread".

Q. Can I search for a candidate in my Inbox?

Yes, you can locate relevant conversations instantly by using the search box. Click the search icon above the list of all conversations and type the name of the candidate.

Q. How can I view all the past conversations with a candidate?

Go to the left panel and select a conversation.

Then, you will be able to see their entire profile details. Similar to what you see on the "Candidate" section like their name, designation, company etc. This way you don't have to toggle between multiple tabs on your computer as the entire information related to the candidate will be displayed at one go.

Scroll down to view all the conversations you have had with the candidate since you signed up on Instahyre.

Updated on: 25/03/2022

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