Responding to Candidates
Responding to Candidates
Learn how to take actions in your Inbox
When opening a candidate conversation there are many actions which can be taken, like responding to them, scheduling an interview, sharing notes, looking at past activity etc In this article you'll learn about all these actions.
Q. How do I reply to candidates?
A.) Your Email
You can reply to candidates directly through your emails
B.) Instahyre Inbox
You can also use Instahyre Inbox to reply to candidates.
When you see a red-pop up on the "Inbox" tab it means you have unread emails.

Go to Inbox and click on the conversation tab from the left panel.

Then, enter the email body in the text box.

Once you are done writing the reply you can click on "Send email"

Q. How can I schedule an email to be sent later?
Click on the "Time" icon next to the send email button.

Select a date and time to schedule the email. You can even type "Tomorrow at 1 pm and the date would be automatically added.

Finally, click on "Schedule email".
You'll be able to see a "Green clock" icon in the "Emails tab" now indicating that the email is scheduled.

Q. Can I add my teammate in cc while sending an email?
Yes, of course, you can add your teammate or hiring manager to keep them in the loop.
Once the email body is ready click on the "cc" button.

Select the team member to be added

Then send the email.
Q How can I attach a file while sending an email?
You can add attachments in the email body by clicking on the "Attachment" button which looks like a pin. This feature is important if you are sending assignments to candidates.

Make sure the total size of all attachments doesn't exceed 8MB.
Q. How do I use the personalised email template section on Inbox?
Sending personalised communication is the key to increase candidate engagement and get a higher response rate.
You can personalise the email by selecting various templates which you have built or common templates shared with you i.e "All jobs" from the dropdown menu. This way you save time by automatically selecting a pre-made template.

To create a new personalised email template, click on the "+" sign next to the template. You will be redirected to the "email templates" page and you can use this feature to create custom templates like assignment email, rejection email, shortlist email etc. Click here to know how to create the best email templates.

Q. How do I know if the candidate has read my emails or not?
Go to any past conversation you would have had with the candidate.
On the rightmost corner, you'll be able to a "tick" sign.
If it's green that means the candidate has read the email and if it's grey it means the candidate is yet to open your email. The date and time next to it indicate that when the email was opened.

Q. What does this robot icon next to one of my conversation with the candidate means?
The sign means that this mail was sent by our "InstaBot". It's our proprietary AI-powered messaging technology that sends automatic reminder emails to candidates who have not responded to your communication. These emails are highly engaging, crafted with a personal touch and scheduled at times when the candidate is most active and maximizes response rates. Click here to know more about InstaBot emails.

Q. How can I send an interview invite to a candidate?
With Instahyre Inbox it's quite easy to schedule interviews with candidates. Once you are done writing the email body, click on the calendar icon to schedule the interview.

Click here for more details on scheduling interviews.
Q. Can I also add the interviewer while scheduling interviews?
Yes, you may add the name or email id of the interviewer while scheduling the interview.
The invite will go to them and they'll be able to simply select "yes" to accept the calendar invite.

Q. Can I share a note about the candidate profile with my teammate?
Yes, you can write notes about the candidate profile and choose to keep it private or share it with a teammate. This feature is handy when you want to write a summary of your conversation with them or some aspect of their profile for future reference.
Click on "Notes"
Write the note
Select the checkbox "Notify Colleagues"

Finally, click on "Add Note" and all the members who are subscribed to this job will receive it.
Q. Can I cancel/undo an email after sending it?
Yes, you can cancel an email after sending it. Follow the below steps for the same.
Click on the "Undo" button and the email will be cancelled.
You can only cancel an email for up to 30 seconds, post that the icon will be gone.

This option is automatically enabled in your profile, in case you wish to disable it -
Go to settings and click on "Other settings"
Disable"Send emails after a 30-second delay to allow undo send?"

What's next?
Learn more about how to create highly engaging email templates Click here
Updated on: 25/03/2022
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